Tododeku gay porn comic

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The faint hum of the pot of coffee on the stove was the only sound in the room, save for the continuous clicks coming from the TV remote. Todoroki absentmindedly scrolled through the news, looking for any sort of entertainment to keep him busy for a few hours. It was announced on a pleasant evening in May. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please enjoy! Let me know if any links don’t work, ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) doujinshi master list ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) otp tododeku todoroki shouto midoriya izuku bnha my post thank you guys enjoy lmaoĦ1 | “I love you. MUMBO JUMBO - Comedy, Romance, Shounen Ai Koe ga Kikoeru Hikari no Hou e - Drama, Romance, YaoiĪshita, Tonari no Todoroki-kun - Romance, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life Short Short Shouto Izuku - Shounen Ai, Romance STOP! - Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life

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NOTE: Some contain rape and sexual content (I will label them as such), also these are all exclusively tododeku and bottom Midoriya. Thank you guys for almost 6000 followers!!! I love you guys, as thanks here are all the doujins I love.

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