Drunk college gay sex stories

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I don’t know what happened in the main house, but at the groom’s, we all got shitfaced while we roasted a pig and played golf. Mom went to the bride’s while dad and I went to the groom’s. The groom’s party was set in the big barn on Friday night, while the bride’s party was in the large main house. They had a farm and they planned to do the wedding and the bachelor party for the bride and the groom on their premises.

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It was for the son of one of my parents’ oldest friends. The events of this story started one weekend when we had a wedding to attend. My parents were very caring and supportive and suggested that I stay home until I finish college so that I don’t get into debt while going to school. This is a true story that one of my readers sent me and I simply fleshed it out according to his descriptions.Īt twenty years old I was still living with my parents as I was going to college in town. Mother Son Incest Taboo Sex Story: Mom thinks that we slept together when she was drunk and starts behaving accordingly.Ĭaution: This Mother Son Incest Taboo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Drunk/Drugged True Story Incest Mother Son

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