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San Diego’s Brewers Guild invites guilds from Los Angeles and San Francisco for a head-to-head competition featuring 15 beers from each region. Los Angeles beer fans should take note of Friday, Oct. 15, with the Beer Garden, an $85-per-person food-and-beer pairing that serves as a benefit for the guild and Chef Celebration, which promotes the culinary arts through scholarships and training for students. A two-day VIP ticket is $100.īeer Week closes Sunday, Nov.

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Saturday is a general-admission festival offering unlimited suds samples, food trucks and music. Friday evening is a VIP ticket with samples of rare and exclusive beers. The event opens with a two-day Guild Fest Friday, Nov. 6 to 15, is a 10-day festival promoting craft beer, food and culture.

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San Diego Beer Week is like a homecoming for San Diego’s craft beer industry. In November, the beer comes to the drinkers.

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